Paul Richter has written about foreign policy and national security for three decades. As a Washington-based correspondent for the Los Angeles Times, he reported from sixty countries and appeared in US and international media. He covered the State Department for the Los Angeles Times from 2001 to 2015, and before that, the Pentagon and the White House. He was raised in the Washington, DC, area and Minneapolis, and graduated from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. He is also the principal author of California and the American Tax Revolt: Prop 13 After Five Years. He lives in the Washington, DC area.
Im englischen Gasthaus 'Zum Admiral Benbow' quartiert sich ein alter Seemann ein, Bill Bones. Jim Hawkins findet bald heraus, dass er Angst vor einem Einbeinigen hat und ihn irgendetwas Seltsames umgibt. Eines Nachts wird der trunksüchtige Bones von eine... SEE MORE