Ed McBain, a recipient of the Mystery Writers of America's coveted Grand Master Award, was also the first American to receive the Diamond Dagger, the British Crime Writers Association's highest award. His books have sold more than one hundred million copies, ranging from the more than fifty titles in the 87th Precinct series (including the Edgar Award-nominated Money, Money, Money) to the bestselling novels written under his own name, Evan Hunter -- including The Blackboard Jungle (now in a 50th anniversary edition from Pocket Books) and Criminal Conversation. Fiddlers, his final 87th Precinct novel, was recently published in hardcover. Writing as both Ed McBain and Evan Hunter, he broke new ground with Candyland, a novel in two parts. He also wrote the screenplay for Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. He died in 2005.Visit www.edmcbain.com.
Lost Sci-Fi Books 121 thru 140 - Twenty Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s - Souvenir by Philip K. Dick - Message From Mars by Clifford D. Simak - Duel on Syrtis by Poul Anderson - The Stainless Steel Rat by Harry Harrison -... SEE MORE