Joseph A. Annibali, M.D., is chief psychiatrist for the world-renowned Amen Clinics in Reston, Virginia. He has treated thousands of patients with psychological and psychiatric disorders and is one of the nation’s leading experts on using brain SPECT imaging with Lyme disease. He is also a leading expert on Irlen syndrome, a little-known but very common visual processing disorder that profoundly affects brain function. Dr. Annibali gives regular talks, presentations, and webinars throughout the Washington, D.C., area on topics such as ADD, anxiety, mood disorders, autism, Alzheimer’s, Lyme disease, and, naturally, calming the Busy Brain.
A prescriptive guide to restoring cognitive calm, based on Amen Clinics chief psychiatrist Dr. Joseph Annibali’s three decades of treating patients who suffer from overloaded, overstimulated brains. Dr. Joseph Annibali has treated th... SEE MORE