Unabridged Audiobook
This book is racist
I’m not sure which was worse, listening to my gps reading a crappy book or subjecting myself to such moronic ideas given directions that would drive a sane man into the river. If you wish to affirm your white guilt read on. As for me I have nothing to be guilty of
This book is a must read by everyone! I am a woman of color and I read this book to gain perspective on the white persons views, thoughts, fears on racism. This book is more I’ve recommended it to everyone I know every race it is an eye opener and educational.
Great book! Every white person needs to read this book and get enlightened. Of course, all the bigots and the racist will rate it extremely low, for obvious reasons: being checked by a white person.
Brought me to a new level of awareness. Is helping me with my own examination of dealing with people of color, understanding some of the terms in the book and explaining and dealing with whites after having such dialogue.
CAUTION! This is NOT the "white persons' perspective." This woman is yet another white person who thinks black people need her help to awaken them and save them from an imaginary disease called "whiteness." This woman's overtly racist philosophy and unscientific view of the white persons' psyche is not only science fiction (think L. Ron Hubbard's "Dianetics") but it is literally divisive, hateful, and destructive to bringing peace to our country. If you think you've been "enlightened" by this book, you have only been fooled by her pulling the wool over your eyes. If you recommend everyone must read this, you are doing nothing to bring peace and love to this country, you are repeating her lies and poisoning the mind of others.
DiAngelo gives language to help articulate things that have been on my mind. The time is ripe for these thoughts. Society has progressed to a point where discussion of whiteness can be held with civility and with an open mind.
absolute trash.
Very insightful, thoughtful and educational. If you are ready to change YOU and YOUR perceptions of racism, then this book is for you!
Great book that really challenges you if you are open to it. I really enjoy being being uncomfortable and exploring my own positions and thoughts on the subject.
Funny how all the bad reviews are by "anonymous" people. We already know why you don't like it. This book is for the open-minded.
I found this book enlightening. I am a black woman who has lived/worked in predominantly white communities. This book has helped me gain a better understanding of why some white people cannot see racism that is plain to me.
I couldn’t finish this book. Not worth the read.
Awful...that’s the best I can say
This was the most unmemorable book I have read in a very long time. It was hard to get through. It felt like one white woman’s attempt to teach empathy 101 to other white people, but noting “whites” constant bump against allowing themselves to empathize with others. I wish I could get the hours back I spent listening to this.
The author's self-righteous, overtly demeaning and terribly skewed presentation of not only history, but of entire groups is poisonous and divisive. Filled with ambiguous statements that should trouble any reasonably minded person.
Everyone needs to read this book, especially everyone wary of entering into conversations about race. This book makes sense of a universal, complex, highly charged reality in such a way that liberated people to deconstruct the structure without drawing enemy lines.
garbage that is supposed to make Europeans feel ok with their destruction.
Incredibly important read
Great read! Thank you for honoring your truth and for holding us all to a higher standard. We should all continue to keep striving towards betterment and equality. Be the change you wish to see in the world!
when it comes down to it, I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Sometimes it appeared as if there was always deeper issue once there appeared to be a absolute solution. The fact at hand is that I got the internal message she was trying to convey. Racism exists even when we cannot see, and bringing that knowledge to the forefront is where confrontation happens for most people. While i would rather hear this from the actual author as the narrator sounded more like Siri or Bixby, I think she wrote a great novel. Reading the Reviews: Some of the reviews do not convey thought or passion yet, only confirms what she wrote in the book. taking a deep look into how the contribution into racism is often discarded by irrelevant and angry thoughts.
Everyone who rated this book 1 star calling it racist towards whites and a piece of trash, is exactly who this book is for. If you’re not a part of the solution, you’re absolutely a part of the problem... Take a deep breath and push yourself to be greater than the shallow comfort of your skin color. Your fragility is showing.
This book provides no hope for change and no hope for the coming together to work for the good of all. We are in this together so let's build each other up. The author uses circular reasoning, includes historical inaccuracies, and blames and binds whites.
I’m not sure why this book was written. It’s a joke!!!
Narrator sounds like a Siri, it’s the worst. Borrowed the book to read instead.
absolute nonsense
Enlightening, and feels true.
Imparative read for healing us.
This was excellent. Lays it out!
This narrator kept me from the real message of the book. After listening to the YA of STAMPED, this was a total bore!
The author injects her own racism and projects it onto all white people.
This book is eye-opening and has changed my life. I hope to contribute less to racism in my life going forward.
I would give a 10 if I could!!
This book drove me to become the white woman who opens a dialogue with other white women about how harmful their good intentions are and also do a lot of self reflection and see how harmful my own well intentioned actions can be. I am on a path to doing better.
Love this book so much. It put my observations into words and gave me greater perspective. I am a white woman who values self-reflection, education, and equal rights. This book expresses much of what I notice in other white people who are not open to self-reflection or learning new things that conflict with the perspectives they developed over time. This book directly challenges white people's bias and ignorance (whether intentional or unintentional). Those who label this book as racist or label it as a "white guilt" book have not fully read/listened to the book and have not allowed themselves to have an open mind. It is often uncomfortable for one's perspectives to be so bluntly challenged, yet Diangelo does so with respect, understand, and supportive evidence for her book. I encourage all white people who read/listen to this book, who find themselves becoming angry/uncomfortable/agitated/ashamed to stop for a moment... close your eyes... and breath. This book is NOT an attack, but an encouragement for reflection, awareness, and a resource for education.
Originally thought this book was good, but upon further research and advice given by many others, I've realized this book is not that great. If you really want to learn about racism and fight for POC, read books like "How to be an antiracist", etc, and ask POC what their experiences are. They might also have good advice on what books you can read to further your education, advocacy and understanding of White Privilege.
Another good book for readers who have not had much diversity training or experience.
Opened up many new avenues of thought about race relations
It's a good starting point to understand cultural diversity. Best read as a group study book to inspire thought-provoking conversations.
Great book. it makes you uncomfortable to keep listening and see yourself in the mirror
An excellent read for anyone that wants to abolish racism. A great educational tool for white people that intentionally or unintentionally contribute to racism, wants to learn, and make changes within themselves and other white people that contribute to And benefit from racism.
I am lukewarm on this book. Not a lot of new info or inspiring ways to deal with white fragility. It seems outdated by about 10+ years.
DiAngelo is an unhappy self proclaimed racist that projects her own angst on others. I would recommend it for those who want understand self righteous white people and current culture.
An important book. Some whites who have tried to be antiracist take offense at Dr. DiAngelo's sweeping indictment of white racism, but her indictment is really of institutionalized/structural racism more than of individual racism. Take her important message and let it help you help change our culture.
Fantastic book, all white people should read! Narration is a bit monotone but I got used to it after a little bit.
The narrator was so difficult for me to listen to. Her style was so mechanical. Someone else said it was like listening to Alexa read a book... I agree. As far as the content... there was plenty of good information for me to take from this book to make it a worthwhile listen. I didn’t always agree with the author’s approach, but I suppose she would say that is due to my own white fragility. To me, any argument that doesn’t allow for discussion has some fragility at its foundation. Nonetheless, I take from this book several meaningful lessons.
Far too much rhetoric and assumptions. Logic will not end racism it’s so woven in or not in our hearts.
This is not my favorite in the recent publications on racism/anti-racism, correctional system racism or post Jim Crow racism. Might be better read by the author, or as a physical book. Seemed very repetitive and full of lists ... BUT the book/author is surely NOT racist!
Great book. Very eye opening.