Unabridged Audiobook
I am a huge fan of Dean Koontz, and I've read many of his books and recently listened to several and Ive yet to find one book that Ive read or listened to that I didn't enjoy, and "Whispers" is no exception. Without spoiling anything, I will say that "Whispers" has all the classic Koontz traits; great character development, great characters, and an edge of your seat story that holds you in its grasp until the climactic end. I was slightly dissapointed with how the end of the story resolved itself though, not so much in what happens, rather in how it felt rushed and didn't play to the heart of the story and how methodically we've been moved to the final climactic sequence, then in a flurry, it's done, without the usual descriptive and enchanting story that we'd had throughout. It's still a great read or listen, and I'd definitely recommend this book, and as a matter of fact, I have????.
Not interested in the 1st quarter of the book being about descriptive rape.