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Warriors of Sangrin: Box Set Volume Two
Written by:
Starr Huntress
Nancey Cummings
Narrated by:
Logan Mcallister
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Release Date
August 28, 2022
27 hours 57 minutes
Alien warriors need women and Earth needs protection from invasion. The price? Brides.
Warlord's Baby: What to expect when you’re expecting an alien’s baby. Mercy has been pregnant for-freaking-ever. She’s tired and grumpy and ready to get this kid out of her. Of course, being adored by her alien warlord husband is awesome but she hasn’t seen her feet in a month. And she can’t get over this sneaking suspicion that there’s something Paax isn’t telling her... Just as Mercy needs Paax the most, tension within the clan pulls them apart and he's nowhere to be found.
Seeran. Hazel shouldn't desire the terrifying alien. She'd just escaped a disastrous marriage with a violent man, so how could she fall for a growling soldier who punchs first and asks questions later? His arms feel like the safest place in the universe. Her gut says to trust Seeran, but her intuition's failed her so many times before.
Rohn: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Nakia may have lost a leg during the Invasion, but she’s not going to let that keep her from what she wants. And she wants Rohn. She has since the moment the alien warrior rescued her from a collapsed building. But she’s afraid he still only perceives her as a damaged, frail human. She wants him to recognize her as so much more, and she won’t rest until he understands they belong together.
Jaxar: Once bitten, twice shy. Vanessa knows what aliens want—babies— and she’s not having it. She’ll change her name, change her ID chip, and hunker down on a miserable moon on the far side of the galaxy before she gets matched to an alien brute. Again.
Contains four complete stories, each with a HEA and growly, possessive alien warrior: Warlord's Baby, Seeran, Rohn, & Jaxar
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Warriors of Sangrin: Box Set Volu...
Starr Huntress
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