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The Gospel of Wealth (Condensed Classics)

Written by:
Miitch Horowitz
Narrated by:
Mitch Horowitz

Abridged Audiobook

Release Date
May 30, 2021
1 hour 50 minutes

The program begins with Dick Sutphen’s deep hypnotic voice counting you down into an altered-state of consciousness with relaxing background music. You are given many positive suggestions, and he guides you through three Mental Movie processes where you are experiencing being in total peace, balance and harmony. You will repeat a sentence several times along with Dick, then be given time to be in your Higher Mind to have quietness of spirit, commune with your Guides and Masters, or obtain answers from Spirit before awakening in to full beta consciousness.

Suggestions: You are at peace and feel in balance and harmony. A quietness of spirit now permeates your body and mind and you can sense the positive powers of the Universe flowing through you and relaxing and recharging you. And from this moment on you are fully aware that no matter what the external circumstances you now choose to live your life in Divine tranquility and thus, you experience your birthright. You now become Peace. You are at peace with yourself, the world, and everyone in it. You are now at peace and perfect balance. Harmony is a Supreme Universal Law. It transcends even the Law of Karma. Karma is balance but harmony is the supreme potential of balance. Harmony adds to balance the element of love. And it’s through unconditional love you transcend into the awareness of the Master to become all you are capable of being.

Repeat technique words: “I am a Master of Life and peace, balance and harmony are my reasons for existing.”

Make certain you are fully alert and awake at the end of this session.

Dick Sutphen is a best-selling author and seminar trainer who specializes in brain/mind technology. He instructs medical and other professionals in how to use his life-changing techniques. Over 200,000 people have attended a Sutphen Seminar.
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