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Talk to Anyone and Always Know what to Say Next: Everything You Need to Know - Easy Fast Results - It Works; and It Will Work for You
Written by:
Zane Rozzi
Narrated by:
Zane Rozzi
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Release Date
November 26, 2019
2 hours 7 minutes
Can you relate to any of this? Do you:
- Struggle to meet new people because you never know what to say?
- Act shy and nervous making a low-status impression?
- Sit nervously through job interviews and dinner dates waiting for the other person to speak?
- Fear attending social events where you'll have to mingle with people you hardly know?
- Have trouble holding people's attention because you don't know how to tell captivating stories?
- Want to have deep meaningful conversations but always run out of things to say?
- Struggle to get a word in during important meetings at work or school?
- Have way too many awkward silences where you sit nervously looking around the room hoping someone will say something?
- Wish you could start an interesting conversation with anyone you see at the grocery store, gym, mall, bar, coffee shop, or anywhere else?
- Wish you could have that magnetic charismatic personality that instantly attracts people?
An old adage will always hold true: 'It's not what you know, it's who you know.' No matter what you want from life, you must convince other people to like you, choose you, and help you. Your social skills determine whether or not people like you, choose you, and help you.
The truth is, all that's necessary to get the results you want is for you to do a few basic fundamentals really well. Doing the basic fundamentals really well is always the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to get excellent results. Don't waste time on trendy advice that quickly fizzles out. Instead, learn timeless fundamentals that will always be relevant.
You'll be able to start applying what you've learned immediately after you've finished reading this book by using the example procedures, responses, strategies, behaviors, and action steps. It works; and it will work for you. Read this book, apply the information, and see for yourself.
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Ali A.
Waste of time just keep repeating himself.
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Talk to Anyone and Always Know wh...
Zane Rozzi
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