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Sir Harry Hotspur

Sir Harry Hotspur

Written by:
Anthony Trollope
Narrated by:
Peter Joyce
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 12, 2006
8 hours 9 minutes
A man of conscience, duty, and tradition, an immature, impressionable girl of supreme virtue and perhaps the greatest cad in English Literature are the chief protagonists of this tale.

Tragedy falls upon the House of Humblethwaite. Sir Harry Hotspur's son dies at 21 years of age. There is no other male heir save a second cousin, a scapegrace seemingly beyond redemption. Can Sir Harry's daughter, Emily, effect a miracle and hold property and title together by an affectionate and honourable marriage to such a fellow, or is the demise of the ancient Hotspur family and all it stands for inevitable?

'A novel can hardly be made interesting or successful without love. It is necessary because the passion is one which interests or has interested all. Everyone feels it, has felt it or expects to feel it.'

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Cynthia Becht

Trollope's happy ending tales are a joyous delight and his tragedies shred one's heart asunder. Wondering which way this one will go isn't the main thing here; it is marveling at one of the most perfectly written weasel-weak self absorbed scoundrel characters in literature. Trollope's impossibly deep and compassionate understanding of human nature is wonderfully realized in his characters; this story includes some of his most insightful

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