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Shots in the Dark

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
September 19, 2018
9 hours 29 minutes
It's a week before Christmas, but Milwaukee bar owner Mackenzie 'Mack' Dalton is hardly in good spirits. Chilled to the core by the murder of bouncer Gary Gunderson, Mack is determined to use her extra perceptive senses to identify the gunman responsible. Did Gary's patchy past brew up some fatal trouble, or could his death be linked to a series of cryptic letters concocted by Mack's anonymous adversary? With a second case to crack, innocent lives at stake, and a media frenzy in their midst, Mack and her barstool detectives have little time to mull over the grim details—especially when clues lead dangerously close to home . . .
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This story line is ok. It does make you want to keep listening. A little overboard, with always explaining about her condition. That part tends to be a little blah, but otherwise it was good.

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The series so far is entertaining and I’m really liking the Duncan so thumbs up and on to the next.

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Lee W.

I almost turned it off, but I was busy making jewelry. OK background noise. honestly couldn't care if whole Capone club got SNUFFED!!

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Total snoozer! The writing was well enough. I finished the entire book. Absolutely no action. Wouldn’t recommend unles you enjoy the TV show MURDER SHE WROTE!

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Teirsa N.

Yet another great read!!

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Jan W.

I love this series. Character development is excellent. I can’t wait for the next book so I can see what the ‘Capone Club ‘ is up to next. Plots are such that the reader has a fighting chance to solve it along with Mac. I highly recommend this series to all cozy mystery lovers.

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