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The Savage Detectives

Written by:
Roberto Bolaño
Narrated by:
Armando Durán , Eddie Lopez

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
August 1, 2009
26 hours 58 minutes
The late Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño has been called the García Márquez of his generation. In this dazzling novel, the book that established his international reputation, Bolaño tells the story of two modern-day Quixotes—the last survivors of an underground literary movement, perhaps of literature itself—on a tragicomic quest through a darkening, entropic universe.

Brilliantly rendered into English by Natasha Wimmer, the acclaimed translator of Bolaño’s other great masterwork, 2666, The Savage Detectives is an exuberant, wildly inventive and ambitious novel from one of the greatest Latin American authors of our age.
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Christine B.

Savage Detectives is in the mode of a road trip with Hunter S Thompson or Jack Kerouac. For those who were there and did that, it's a bit of a slog. Here, Latino guys are all misogynist, poets are pretentious and women whores, easy lays or dirty hippy-chicks (the body-builder chapter is an exception. She is a fascinating female protagonist).The book has endless pages of teenagers' coming-of-age tales. After reading and loving Bolarno's 2666 on audiobooks, I was in misery finishing this novel. Worth reading if you're into discovering Bolano's works pre-2666. Great performances by the voice-over artists.

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