Unabridged Audiobook
The Rib King Highlighted Black exploitation and stereotypes puts me in the mindfulness of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben's. It also talks about privilege among the black race and the backstabbing taken place while the upper white class watches and profits from it. August Sitwell the main culprit has backstabbed his way to his position, even killed many. He has face pasted on a sauce bottle that he took the credit for from the actual cook, "Miss Mamie". He didn't account for one of the people he killed to be alive, but Jennie survived. Not only did she survived but she flourish and is now in his face ready to kill him or trying to get him to turn himself in. Now I'm not going to tell y'all the whole story, so go ahead and read it. You'll be glad you did. #Book34of2021 #Bookworm #what'snext