Unabridged Audiobook
Having a son who is an addict I was hoping for some insight so I can hopefully help him. I wasn't prepared for the in-your-face honesty of this book and was completely blown away by it. Russell Brand doesn't candycoat addictions and makes it abundantly clear that every day is a challenge. I also realized that I need to take an assessment of my own life and crush the things that I didn't even think of as addictions. I bought a hard copy for my son after listening just a short time to the audio version. I don't know how he's going to take it, but I think Russell's honesty about his own life will get my son's attention. Be warned that his language is somewhat crude, but it wont' take away from his deeper message. The main thing that I took away from this book is that there is hope for my son. It can get better. I will be buying more copies to give to others. Well done Russell and thank you.
I didn’t think I was addicted to anything until this book forced me to face myself in the mirror. I am grateful for this book and I recommend it to anyone who is struggling to find purpose in this world. Thank you Russell Brand for your sincerity and advice.
I have always admired Russell Brand and this book made me an even bigger fan, his intellect and state if higher consciousness it's absolutely incredible! Being a recovering addict myself, this really helped my point of view on things. How to evaluate situations better and to look inside oneself for better understanding. Russell Brand thank you so much for this amazing read!!
Great AA perspective
Great book with interesting narrator!
I had high hope for this book as it had great reviews and I really enjoy Russell Brand. I had a very hard time staying interested in the book. It is a great tool for addicts and offers support but it was very dry and I was not expecting that from him. I felt he talk more about the steps of addiction verse his own stories of what happened and how he came out of them to become years clean.