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Raising Steam: A Discworld Novel

Written by:
Terry Pratchett
Narrated by:
Stephen Briggs

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
March 18, 2014
12 hours 20 minutes
The new Discworld novel, the 40th in the series, sees the Disc's first train come steaming into town.

Change is afoot in Ankh-Morpork. Discworld's first steam engine has arrived, and once again Moist von Lipwig finds himself with a new and challenging job.
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Is light enough that I finished it, and even chuckled a few times, but it is definitely not Pratchett's best work. It felt like too much of a PSA (hey, look how we can all get along when we set aside our prejudices!) and was a bit boring (literally all they are doing is establishing a railway). Vetinari remains super human, Moist remains lucky, Vimes is still the perfect cop, and the female characters are still there in the background doing... woman-things. Anyone new to the Discworld series would be better of starting with an earlier work. The narrator did a great job.

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Matthew Wheller

If you are looking for nonstop drama and fighting, well then clearly Terry Pratchett might not be your cup of tea. If however you are looking to laugh at an enjoyable fun world look no further than any of his great works. I also enjoyed the reader for this work. so few could do Terry Pratchett's would so well!

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