Unabridged Audiobook
The author (an accomplished speach writter) has put together a tome of amazing/inspirational stories by top business leaders in not only 1) a quick reference format, but also 2) hashtaged for the reader to quickly identify which story would be of most use in any given circumstance, AND 3) speach-written copy as a lead in should the reader want to integrate the example in their next meeting/presentation. At the end of the introduction section, the author states the purpose of this book is an easy reference of successful people's anecdotes (stories) when one comes up short of personal material. I understand first-hand where audiobook listeners are apt to give this audiobook a low star rating. However, I believe, it's not the content as much as the content not translating particularly well to audiobook format, and the lack of ability to easily go back to reference the content in audiobook format. That being said, there is a way to find enjoyment and usefulness out of this book's copious reference content only once one get's in the groove of how the off-puting audiobook formatting flows: 1) Understand that past the introduction, the entire book is meant to be used as a reference (arranged by business leader's last name) for other business leaders looking to site an example of how another business leader acted, overcame, etc. 2) Therefore, EACH of the approximately 150 stories (1-5 stories per leader) follows the same six-segment format--1. the successful leader, 2. what company they're associated with, 3. hashtags (cituations in which the story would be useful for the reader to reference), 4. the story, 5. how the story can be applied to the reader's purported cituation, and lastly, 6. a sample lead-in speach (one the reader could literally verbatim use to segway into using the story at their next meeting addressing the same type of leadership/decision cituation at their business). [Note 1: All six segments per each story of multiple stories per leader would be obvious in visual book format, and would have been helpful for an audiobook note inserted by the narrator at the beginning of the book explaining such to the listener.] [Note 2: Segment 6 of each story is designed to end abruptly after the lead-in for the reader to continue the conversation using their own words and situation specifics should they choose to use the story as an example when addressing a business meeting/crowd.] [Note 2: The audiobook listener definitely has to bookmark EACH story of EACH business leader IF going to go back to the audiobook to reference. I have done the 1st leg of bookmarking by at least time stamping (with a public note in audiobooks.com) the beginning of each business leader referenced (30 in all).]
it wasn't good for audio book. it is a reference book
The best part of the book was the introduction Don’t buy this
This is a reference book and works very poorly as an audiobook.
It’s a reference book, because you are not able to skip to certain parts it has no use as an audio book.