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The Poetry of Angels
Written by:
Wb Yeats
William Blake
Emily Dickinson
Narrated by:
Ghizela Rowe
Unabridged Audiobook
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Release Date
January 1, 2021
1 hour 39 minutes
Angels are undeniably associated with religion and more usually Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Often they are seen as supernatural beings, benevolent celestial intermediaries interposed between God, Heaven and humanity.They are protectors, our heavenly guides, and the servants of God. They are also His Messengers. The faithful seek their blessing, their help. A visitation is a miraculous event, filled with reverence, awe and shared with the wider community as a sign that faith has reward.Other religions also make note of angelic contributions including Sikhism and Zoroastrianism. There is also the unnerving distinction that there are 'fallen Angels' that seep dark, malevolent forces into the world. They tempt, they betray, they lead us where it is not safe to go.But faith once more resolves the dilemma; good will overcome evil. And whether a believer or not, there is a comfort that the angels of our hearts are the ones of love, of care and compassion.Obviously there are complications, a fact that our classic poets through the centuries, including Alexander Pope, Edmund Spenser, Radclyffe Hall and Hafiz, use as they write verse to explain, to reveal and to help us understand exactly why Angels are so prevalent amongst our thoughts. - 1 - The Poetry of Angels - An Introduction2 - I Felt an Angel by Anonymous3 - The Angel by William Blake4 - The Angel's Visit by Charlotte L Forten Grimke5 - The Angels by Rainer Maria Rilke6 - The Woman and the Angel by Robert William Service7 - The Man to the Angel by George William Russell8 - Ex Ore Infantium by Francis Thompson9 - The Child Angel by Rabindranath Tagore10 - A Poem for Children with Thoughts On Death by Jupiter Hammon11 - The Guardian Angel by Robert Browning12 - The Angel's Message by Clara Ann Thompson13 - Angels From the Realms of Glory by James Montgomery14 - Wondrous Sight For Men and Angels by Ann Griffiths15 - The Ministry of Angels by Edmund Spenser16 - The Angels of Man by Bliss Carman17 - The Two Angels by Radclyffe Hall18 - My Sweet Crushed Angel by Hafiz19 - Two or Three Angels by Stephen Crane20 - The Lost Chord by Adelaide Anne Proctor21 - Israfel by Edgar Allan Poe22 - The Song of the Seven Archangels by Ernest Rhys23 - The Angel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov24 - To.... by James Monroe Whitfield25 - Angels Everywhere by Rosa Mulholland26 - An Angel in the House by James Henry Leigh Hunt27 - The Angel That Presided by William Blake28 - A Cradle Song by W B Yeats29 - Playmates by Emily Dickinson30 - Once in a Saintly Passion by James Thomson31 - To Rosemary, on the Methods by Which She Might Become an Angel by Stephen Vincent Benet32 - It Was Wrong To Do This, Said the Angel by Stephen Crane33 - Angels, in the Early Morning by Emily Dickinson34 - The Angel and the Clown by Vachel Lindsay35 - Behind the Scenes. Empire by Arthur Symons36 - To Be An Angel by Francois Couperin37 - The Stillness Of Angels by Daniel Sheehan38 - One Evening by Guillaume Apollinaire39 - A Poor Torn Heart, A Tattered Heart by Emily Dickinson40 - Drifts That Bar My Door by Adah Isaacs Menken41 - Sonnet CLIV - The Little Love-God by William Shakespeare42 - By the Sides of Angels by Daniel Sheehan43 - Rosa Mundi by Arthur Symons44 - The Willowwood Sonnets. Sonnet I by Dante Gabriel Rosetti45 - A Lost Angel by Ellis Parker Butler46 - Sonnet CXLIV - Two Loves I Have by William Shakespeare47 - Angel or Demon by Ella Wheeler Wilcox48 - Paradise Lost (Extract) by John Milton49 - The Swamp Angel by Herman Melville50 - Verse XX - An Extract from The City of Dreadful Night by James Thomson BV51 - The Avenging Angel by William Winifred Campbell52 - Celia, Sleeping or Singing by Thomas Stanley53 - Angel Spirits of Sleep by Robert Seymour Bridges54 - The Dark Angel by Lionel Johnson55 - Why Has An Angel Died by Daniel Sheehan56 - Angels Of Sunderland, In Memoriaum, June 16th 1893 by John Hartley57 - The Dying Christian To His Soul by Alexander Pope
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The Poetry of Angels...
Wb Yeats
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