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Nudge: The Final Edition: Improving Decisions About Money, Health, And The Environment

Narrated by:
Sean Pratt

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
August 3, 2021
11 hours 33 minutes
Since the original publication of Nudge more than a decade ago, the title has entered the vocabulary of businesspeople, policy makers, engaged citizens, and consumers everywhere. The book has given rise to more than 200 'nudge units' in governments around the world and countless groups of behavioral scientists in every part of the economy. It has taught us how to use thoughtful 'choice architecture'—a concept the authors invented—to help us make better decisions for ourselves, our families, and our society.

Now, the authors have rewritten the book from cover to cover, making use of their experiences in and out of government over the past dozen years as well as an explosion of new research in numerous academic disciplines. To commit themselves to never undertaking this daunting task again, they are calling this the 'final edition.' It offers a wealth of new insights, for both its avowed fans and newcomers to the field, about a wide variety of issues that we face in our daily lives—COVID-19, health, personal finance, retirement savings, credit card debt, home mortgages, medical care, organ donation, climate change, and 'sludge' (paperwork and other nuisances we don't want, and that keep us from getting what we do want)—all while honoring one of the cardinal rules of nudging: make it fun!
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Thomas A.

can't find value in this book

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The book started out really good. And I was really looking forward to learning more, but as it went on, it felt more and more like a binder of government procedures, rather than a book about nudging. I thought the authors of the book provided timely levity, and I appreciated the bits of comedic relief throughout. I also feel that the authors care very much about human beings. I just was really surprised that this book was less about human behavior, and more about potential changes that could be made on government levels.

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Edward B.

Loved this book. If you are interested in social science and psychology then this is for you.

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