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The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Written by:
John Perkins
Narrated by:
Tom Taylorson

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
February 9, 2016
12 hours 24 minutes
Shocking bestseller: the original version of this astonishing tell-all book spent seventy-three weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, has sold more than 1.25 million copies, and has been translated into more than thirty languages.

New revelations: featuring fifteen explosive new chapters, this expanded edition of Perkins’s classic bestseller brings the story of economic hit men (EHMs) up to date and, chillingly, home to the US. Over forty percent of the book is new, including chapters identifying today’s EHMs and a detailed chronology extensively documenting EHM activity since the first edition was published in 2004.

Former economic hit man John Perkins shares new details about the ways he and others cheated countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. Then he reveals how the deadly EHM cancer he helped create has spread far more widely and deeply than ever in the United States and everywhere else—to become the dominant system of business, government, and society today. Finally, he gives an insider view of what we each can do to change it.

Economic hit men are the shock troops of what Perkins calls the corporatocracy, a vast network of corporations, banks, colluding governments, and the rich and powerful people tied to them. If the EHMs can’t maintain the corrupt status quo through nonviolent coercion, the jackal assassins swoop in. The heart of this book is a completely new section, over 100 pages long, that exposes the fact that all the EHM and jackal tools—false economics, false promises, threats, bribes, extortion, debt, deception, coups, assassinations, unbridled military power—are used around the world today exponentially more than during the era Perkins exposed over a decade ago.

The material in this new section ranges from the Seychelles, Honduras, Ecuador, and Libya to Turkey, Western Europe, Vietnam, China, and, in perhaps the most unexpected and sinister development, the United States, where the new EHMs—bankers, lobbyists, corporate executives, and others—“con governments and the public into submitting to policies that make the rich richer and the poor poorer.”

But as dark as the story gets, this reformed EHM also provides hope. Perkins offers a detailed list of specific actions each of us can take to transform what he calls a failing Death Economy into a Life Economy that provides sustainable abundance for all.
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Ronnie P.

When I look around at what life in the United States has become; the brutal police state where the police drive armored vehicles, raid homes, imprisonments of people’s for profit. The incredible debts people place on themselves for so much garbage they have no real need for. The total control government now has over the people. I ask how can all of this have happened in my lifetime. Then I read this book and the mystery was solved, the blanks filled in. The truth is a very hard pill to swallow....truthfully, that this got published amazes me...that the man who wrote this is still alive....amazes me more. Most Americans live in a ferry tale world accepting the daily propaganda they are trained on...this book has to much reality for those people. But for the few with open eyes that question why...this book is a must. My thanks to the author for helping me understand.

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Nic W.

If you're awake & what to know 'why' & 'how', this is one of the key reads. If you're waking, even more so. Warning /spoiler: does contain conditioned opinion the author thinks we all 'know', which is provably incorrect. Ironically, the ethos underpinning an essentially factual book could be said to be breaking his conditioning. BUT, he does prescribe a formula for the world reset that he himself describes only as suggestions & was reticent to include. That's fine for me if represented in that way. Utopia/Unicornia, but I found them interesting psychologically because I have arrived at similar conclusions through aging. Alas, unlikely. Imo.

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Brandon P

I thought this book was great. Information every citizen should have knowledge of.

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Miranda Dean

Good content but at times the writer seemed to be on a ego kick. A bit obnoxious to listen to for long periods of time.

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Drew Martin

Book was informative but repetitive and less than thrilling

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