Unabridged Audiobook
listened with an open mind. I was rooting for Gypsy when she was released from prison. Since then she has done countless interviews where she doesn’t take accountability and blames Nick for everything. There are so many inconsistencies in this book based on Gypsy’s words she has said in other interviews, interrogations, medical reports and witnesses. What I struggled the most with is that she glorified her dad even though he was a crapy dad but tore her mom to shreds. She spoke a lot about things before she was born based on hear say. That is not a memoir. Gypsy is a self proclaimed liar. The accounts that she gas given in this book can’t be verified by Gypsy. There are so many things that can be debunked that Gypsy has written in this book with real evidence. I know the detectives from her case are having a very hard time continuously listening to the many different stories Gypsy tells and hopefully they will write a book one day when they retire about this case. This is true crime. Gypsy will always be known as a true crime case even if she doesn’t want to. The main part that made give this book a 1 review is that she said that her final straw to take her mom out what a month before because of the “thought” of exploratory surgery on her throat. It was a kill or be killed situation? How does she explain planning the murder for over 2 years if it was only a month prior to the murder? Like I said, so many inconsistencies. Because of that alone, I just can’t. She attempted to murder her mom three times and on the 3rd attempt, she succeeded using Nick as her weapon. Why she hasn’t been charged with attempted murder for the other two times shows that Missouri has the worst government especially after she has been telling the world she attempted other times but instead, she is given a huge platform to continue with bigger stories. I was severely abused growing up but never once thought to murder my dad. Many others have been abused as well. She had many opportunities to leave as have been proven. Like I said, I was rooting for Gypsy to succeed because I believed her story but since she has been released she hasn’t shut up with inconsistencies and flaunting her train-wreck of a life and blaming everyone but herself. She has blamed her mom, grandpa, Nick, neighbor, prison friends, Ryan and content creators. Gypsy will always be the victim while everyone she victimizes are the wrong doers.
Great book. This girl deserves to be happy and anyone who thinks otherwise should seek help to rid themselves of toxicity.
Lies lies lies master manipulator
Thank you gypsy for being strong and speaking your story regardless of the haters. I really appreciate all you're doing.
I've went down the rabbit hole so to speak with her whole case. This book is a memoir of true mental instability and disgusting.