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Mayo Clinic on Prostate Health, 3rd Edition: Answers to questions about prostate enlargement, inflammation and cancer

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
November 1, 2022
7 hours 28 minutes
The outlook for managing and surviving prostate disease has never been better.

Many prostate problems—even cancer—can now be effectively treated, thanks to important medical advances and new discoveries.

With age, most men experience some type of prostate problem—enlargement, inflammation or cancer. Mayo Clinic on Prostate Health, Third Edition, is an easyto-read, comprehensive guide to preventing, understanding, managing and living with prostate disease.

Advances in research, an explosion in sophisticated imaging technology and new medical procedures have allowed for earlier diagnosis of prostate disease and more-personalized treatment. Mayo Clinic doctors offer expert guidance to help you evaluate your
treatment options, reduce complications, and discover ways to improve your quality of life.

Topics covered in this updated edition include the debate over PSA testing, advances in imaging technology, a full range of therapies for prostatitis and BPH, treatment options for prostate cancer, developments in prostate cancer research, and management of
treatment side effects, including incontinence and sexual dysfunction.

The book is based on the advice that Mayo Clinic doctors share every day in caringfor their patients.
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Roger T.

Very precise, yet in layman’s explanations

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