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Lost Sci-Fi Books 41 thru 45

Lost Sci-Fi Books 41 thru 45

Narrated by:
Scott Miller
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
May 17, 2022
3 hours 5 minutes
Lost Sci-Fi Books 41 thru 45 - Five Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s

- Foster You’re Dead by Philip K. Dick - Almost everyone had a bomb shelter. You had to have one, in fact, you needed the latest model because the Russians were always developing new weapons that could penetrate the old bomb shelters.
- Wreck Off Triton by Alfred Coppel - His plans were thorough. Every risk had been closely considered. Now Ron Carnavon, ruthless convict, was ready to loot the wrecked spaceship of its sapphire treasure, and thrust his warped power around the entire, antagonistic EMV triangle.
- Asleep in Armageddon by Ray Bradbury - Avoid Planetoid 787. Lush and sunny, with fine air and no dangerous beasts, it’ll tempt you to curve in for some nice solid-ground sleep. DON’T!
- The Old Martians by Rog Phillips - They opened the ruins to tourists at a dollar a head but they reckoned without The Old Martians.
- Stop, You’re Killing Me! by Darius John Granger - As a private eye I get a lot of screwballcases, but nothing to match my own; my wife and kid trying to kill me—and neither aware of it!
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