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[Spanish] - Learn Spanish: Spanish for Beginners, with easy Spanish Words and Phrases

[Spanish] - Learn Spanish: Spanish for Beginners, with easy Spanish Words and Phrases

Written by:
Spanish Academy
Narrated by:
Luna Sanches , Leandro Bianco
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
July 5, 2021
4 hours 59 minutes
Looking for a Spanish book?Do you want to learn Spanish very fast?Most people approach a new language completely wrong. They focus way to much on grammar and learn irrelevant words. Think about it, do you really need to know what a e.g. Chimney is called in Spanish? No - Of course not. That's why it's so strange why most programs/books focus on teaching material, that you will never use.

According to us, it is much better to learn what is actually relevant to be able to communicate. Do you agree with this notion that it's great to learn stuff you will use vs not?

If so, this audibook is for you.

This strategy in this audibook series is highly effective. Without giving away to much information, the strategy is built on human biology and socialization.

You will tap into learning skills you don't know you have! As a result, you'll be speaking and writing Spanish in no time!

In this first book you will:

- Understand the underlying strategy
- Understand how to integrate the underlying strategy in your learning
- The most relevant 1200 words in the Spanish Language
- Go through challenging but fun exercises
- Improve your pronounciation

If you want your spanish to be good enough for you to communicate with native speakers, then make a smart decision and purchase this audiobook.

Don’t wait any longer. Scroll up and purchase this book now!
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Alice G.

Eager to go travel and talk with natives

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Terry T.

Good book

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Kari N.

Noticed that I understood most of a casual conversation on an Instagram video. Liked it.

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Vicki R.

Feel that my vocabulary is about to explode! Learning so much every day haha!

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Johnny B.


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Can recommend this. Very easy to follow.

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