Unabridged Audiobook
This book was eye opening and life changing for me. I highly recommend it!
Interesting as a concept, but the way it was carried out was sensationalized and brought into “woowoo” territory — i.e. the author was playing on emotion and a few examples rather than logic and science. It felt like the author was trying to sell it in the way a psychic would try to convince someone they were legitimate. Also trying to back it up by comparing it to a line in the bible was incredibly dumb in my opinion, as anyone can find a line from the bible, or any other book in the world, and use it to apply to any theory they want. Overall, interesting, but all of the sensationalizing detracted from any credibility. It’s a nice thought and can stimulate interesting discussion or discovery, but the author’s claims about how it works rely quite a bit on confirmation bias.
An eye opening book to take you deeper into knowing yourself and where your being comes from.
How fascinating! makes you think there is so much more to ourselves and how we are linked to our family and ancestry...
This book contains critical tools to uncovering life-long held traumas. This is an important book. Most helpful!
Helpful exploration of self by identifying with the examples of others' stories. Questions/exercises in PDF really unpack baggage you didn't even know you had.
Important book. Life changing.
Scientific evidence was selectively presented and misinterpreted to match the author's opinions, resulting in a biased and misleading message.
Extremely insightful!
The scientific information at the beginning of the book is fascinating and informative, it’s when clients stories started that it seemed rather unrealistic. The majority of the stories come across as a quick and easy fix by mending your relationship with your parents and that’s it. It seems like it is a book for people who have parents or grand parents that experienced trauma and is therefore only for you if you have experienced their trauma second hand and as long as you fix your relationship with your parents then you will be better and live happily ever after. That is why I am giving this book only 2 stars.
Awesome information on how to release yourself from family trauma.
Too short