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Island of the Blue Dolphins

Written by:
Scott O'Dell
Narrated by:
Tantoo Cardinal

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
July 5, 2000
3 hours 51 minutes
In the Pacific, there is an island that looks like a big fish sunning itself in the sea. Around it blue dolphins swim, otters play, and sea birds abound. Karana is the Indian girl who lived alone for years on the Island of the Blue Dolphins. Hers is not only an unusual adventure of survival, but also a tale of natural beauty and personal discovery.
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Seolhui S.

It is awsome! At school I read this book with my teacher! I like the part when Rontu and the other wild pack fight! And the part when they catch the huge devilfish.

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I first read this beautiful book in school. It will always be very special to me. Tantoo Cardinal captures Karana perfectly in her narration. Wonderful audiobook.

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Jeanne F.

Still an excellent book after all these years.

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Scarlett H.

Awesome book! Very interesting, and never got boring for me. Definitely recommended!!

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this is one of my favorite books

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Pamela Brown

I loved this book as a child, it still is a favorite. The adventures stir your imagination.

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Brandy Finley

This book is amazing!

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Csilla Kovats Megyesi

It's a pretty good book but it has a sad beginning

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Lauren Sherwood

I read this book with my 4th graders. It's definitely a good read although some found it slow. The girls enjoyed it more so than the boys. I would definitely recommend it and would read it with a class again as well. The narrator does a nice job.

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shavannha sandoval

love it its a reallllyyy goooooodddd book I rreeeeaaaad iiiittt eewwwvvvvery ddday

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