Unabridged Audiobook
The best work on addiction I've ever found. Profound, but in the simplest, everyday way.
Incredibly helpful if you are struggling with addiction or want to understand how addiction works. A MUST read. Thank you Dr. Mate.
Finally, this is a much needed book that the world needs. This book actually provides solutions to the drug related problems in the world. The governments solution doesn't, hasn't, and will never work. Locking up humans for years of their lives doesn't solve the problem, instead it wastes precious time that can never be gotten back. In order to fix the problem we need to help addicted individuals heal their broken because once they do that they realize they never needed the drugs or whatever the whole time instead they were just trying to escape their not so pleasant reality. But regardless that addict is someone's child, and the government and police officials and judges and every other human that feels the need to judge them instead better just pray to God that it's never their child and pray their child is never in a position with someone who thinks and judges like them.
Very thought provoking, and our society is definitely in need of more who think like Gabor Mate. He writes in a way that even the most simple person can understand. It was so helpful in explaining why so many programs are simply not sustainable.