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How To Give Your Dog A Real Dog's Life
Written by:
Owen Jones
Narrated by:
Uncle Perry
Unabridged Audiobook
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Release Date
April 12, 2024
3 hours 6 minutes
Dogs of a certain breed may share some behavioural characteristics. For example, most Labradors enjoy swimming and love to fetch a ball or a stick, because retrieving fallen game is what they were designed to do. There are exceptions to every rule, but knowing a breed's designed behavioural (as well as physical) characteristics will help you to decide on a dog that will likely be a good fit for you and your lifestyle.
The more research you do before you go to choose your dog, the more likely you are to get the best dog for you and / or your family or environment.
You are taking the right first step now by considering this book.Almost everyone has fond memories of being with animals when they were young, it is what makes people try to reproduce the situation either for themselves or their children, but what most people forget, is that their parents trained those animals, they did not just come like that.
There is no such thing as a perfect pet, perfect dog, perfect human or perfect anything. There is as good as you're going to get, as best as you can make it and what best suits you.
Dogs of a certain breed may share some behavioural characteristics. For example, most Labradors enjoy swimming and love to fetch a ball or a stick, because retrieving fallen game is what they were designed to do. There are exceptions to every rule, but knowing a breed's designed behavioural (as well as physical) characteristics will help you to decide on a dog that will likely be a good fit for you and your lifestyle.
The more research you do before you go to choose your dog, the more likely you are to get the best dog for you and / or your family or environment.
You are taking the right first step now by considering this book.
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How To Give Your Dog A Real Dog's...
Owen Jones
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