Unabridged Audiobook
To quote one of the characters: 'too much, too fast', and the extremely animated voice of the narrator makes the matters much worse. It's very hard to keep up with the tempo of the narrative - if your mind wonders off for just several seconds you may find yourself completely lost. To put things into perspective, I should note that I do regard Neil Gaiman as one of the best and brightest fiction writers alive, and I absolutely loved each and every novel of his that came into my hands. This title here however has pretty much nothing to do with anything that Neil Gaiman has ever written. It reads like it was penned by an overimaginative middle-schooler in a late night flush of writing frenzy. In other words, pure graphomania. While I do realise this is a piece of collective effort of an online community, hence an experimental work of sorts, I still wouldn't want to put my name on such a piece of crap were I an accomplished author.
This book was good and a nice creative project. I enjoy.