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Gaslighting: How to avoid the Gaslight Effect and Recovery from Emotional (Recover from Emotional Abuse and Build Healthy Relationships)

Gaslighting: How to avoid the Gaslight Effect and Recovery from Emotional (Recover from Emotional Abuse and Build Healthy Relationships)

Written by:
Matthew Klein
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
June 19, 2023
4 hours 45 minutes
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.

Diagnoses in psychology often don’t take into consideration the underlying structural abnormalities of the person’s brain. For example, we label people with ADHD, Schizophrenia, psychopathy, Korsakoff’s, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyslexia and Asperger’s Syndrome. Did you know that these psychological diagnoses often have something in common? The people diagnosed with these disorders often have structural differences in the Corpus Callosum (the white matter) in the brain.

Now what does that have to do with Gaslighting. Find out.



- Top 10 Signs You're Being Manipulated with Gaslighting
- 80 Things Narcissists Say During Gaslighting
- Six Empowering Ways to Disarm a Narcissist and Take Control
- How to Avoid Mental Manipulation
- How to Deal with the Effects of Gaslighting
- How Narcissists Employ Smart Devices
- And much more…

Even if you don’t believe you have the power to stand up to your manipulator and make a difference, as long as you have the right knowledge and support to back you up, anything is possible.

With words of empowerment meant to build up confidence, nothing can stop you from getting the life you deserve. Everyone has the right to be in control of their own life, so why shouldn’t it also be the same for you?
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Darsy H.

Great guide for anyone navigating the online dating world. It explains confusing terms and offers helpful tips on how to deal with challenges like ghosting and gaslighting.

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Leonard J.

This book takes you through the process and is a good resource for those who have gone through this abuse. A very insightful read.

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Lance S.

This is a real topic that a lot of people are suffering with. Being affected by gaslighting can be very detrimental to your mental, this was a great read!

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Katherinemuno J.

The author explains the different ways people manipulate others. Using examples, each techniques is explored. The author arms the reader with the ability to read body language and spot hidden agendas. Arm yourself with knowledge.

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Johana M.

It comes highly recommended for anyone ready to regain control and foster positive, supportive relationships!

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Jacobmarshall G.

This book is everything anyone needs to know about narcissists, I feel the way it was written was perfect, I believe a book of this nature should be put in the context that can be understood by anyone at any age.

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