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The Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci Sequence

Written by:
Introbooks Team
Narrated by:
Andrea Giordani
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
July 14, 2019
0 hours 36 minutes
The Fibonacci sequence is a great way by which the different patterns can be noticed and understood. The Fibonacci sequence is used by a number of mathematicians, philosophers, architects, etc. The Fibonacci sequence was also used for the creation of some great buildings.

The Fibonacci sequence is an amazing technique and probably the only one technique, which is present in a number of domains such as mathematics, art, architecture, etc. The Golden Ratio is directly related to nature, which makes it even more interesting and easy going.

It has not only appeared in the man-made things but it is also involved in a number of natural things. This came as a surprise to everyone, who is involved in the development of the mankind, educational and academic regions. The Fibonacci sequence is an ancient technique which is still famous and used in a variety of forms. The spiral of the Fibonacci, the sequence and the numbers play a great role in the studies of different arenas. 
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