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Business Management: Get Better at Accounting, Negotiation, and Job Interviews
Written by:
Nathan Sides
Tom Hendrix
Gerard Howles
Derrick Foresight
Narrated by:
Aaron Miller
Chloe Jacobson
Wes Grant
Doug Greene
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Release Date
December 6, 2020
3 hours 17 minutes
These subjects are included in this combo:
Subject 1: When doing taxes, accounting, or income statements, many people are puzzled. It starts with knowing what is what: the definitions. Then, filling out the balance sheets and the numbers, can be an equally complicated task as well. And finally, most people want to get the most out of their business or salary: The highest return, the lowest costs, and the lowest amount of taxes paid.
Subject 2: Running a business can be a joy and a pain. It all depends on how you handle it. Other factors that contribute to your success or failure may be the demand, the market, the numbers, accounting, and the nature of your brand or product.
Subject 3: Are you okay at it but you could use some more information?
Do you feel like you can get more out of a deal if you just play it right?
These questions are at the heart of this quick guide. Inside of this book, we will show you the ropes of the most important negotiation skills.
Subject 4: Do you have the feeling that you are not prepared to face an invasive number of questions about your accomplishments and career choices?
Well, have no fear, my friend. You are at the right address. This book can guide you along. Topics that will be discussed in this book include how to make a lasting first impression, asking specific questions about your motivation, how to dress, what to bring, how to react on the phone (if applicable), how to show your interviewer that you are listening and interacting, etc.
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Business Management: Get Better a...
Nathan Sides
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