Unabridged Audiobook
I'm Mike Wallace I love this book and planning on walking the Appalachian Trail starting in March. this book is give me some insight on what I'm in for. I hope to walk the entire Trail in 5 months
Excellent and detailed account of one mans hike on the Appalachian Trail.
I find myself inspired by Mr. Miller's adventure and will consider my own through hike as a result.
Loved the book. Great insight into my planning
Boring boring….. not very creative or eventful.
Audio books regarding hiking in general are slim pickings so I try to appreciate the ones I do find that much more. Overall I’d say simply due to the nature of this book, it’s well written and worth the time to listen and hear about the authors experiences along the 2,200 mile hike which hopefully could be beneficial to others with a hike of their own planned or to encourage someone with the dream to do so themselves. I have to admit that I struggled with relating to the author at times for what I can best describe is his whinny disposition while communicating his thru-hiking experiences. I tend to easily disconnect with people who I feel seem to over emphasize their struggle instead of focusing more on the positives of their experiences. At times I also detected a hit of snobbery over the experience as well as over some of the characters he attempts to chronicle along the way, which we are all guilty of however I don’t feel the author did himself any justice by not offering more explanations for the impressions he gives off over these encounters. Please don’t allow my review to discourage you from listening to this book because you might get a completely different vibe and may disagree w/ everything I said.
Light read, wish more had been written about Mt Washington and other high peaks.
Makes me miss trekking. For anyone that's trekked anywhere, they will love this. Not to say you need to trek to love this book. Enjoy