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The Assassination of Barbara O'Neill: How the media and the Friends of Science in Medicine association used the HCCC to destroy a voice for rational natural health.

The Assassination of Barbara O'Neill: How the media and the Friends of Science in Medicine association used the HCCC to destroy a voice for rational natural health.

Written by:
Michael O'neill
Narrated by:
Michael O'neill
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
April 18, 2024
1 hour 35 minutes
How could a 66 year old grandmother, who gave her life to helping people with their health, become the subject of a malicious smear campaign which resulted in her being classified as a serious threat to public health in Australia?

In the absence of a single case of actual harm, the Health Care Complaints Commission of New South Wales theorised potential harm could arise if people followed Barbara's health advice.

This book exposes the hypocrisy of the organisation Friends of Science in Medicine who act as 'friends of science', but are in reality pharmaceutical apologists and the 'Enemies of Truth in Medical Science'. Barbara became collateral damage in the war on any dissent from mainstream medical dogma.
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