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Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One

Written by:
Thomas Sowell
Narrated by:
Bill Wallace

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
April 28, 2009
11 hours 37 minutes
Newly revised and updated, this is the acclaimed companion volume to the hugely successful Basic Economics, by one of America’s most revered economists.

Applied Economics is an accessible guide to how our economic decisions develop. It explains the application of economics to major world problems, including housing, medical care, discrimination, and the economic development of nations, illustrated with examples from around the world. This new, expanded edition has been updated to address economic questions that are particularly relevant to our times, with chapters on the economics of immigration, the economics of organ transplants, the “creative” financing of home buying that led to the mortgage crisis, and the political and economic incentives that lead to money earmarked for highways being diverted to mass transit and to a general neglect of infrastructure. The book retains its easy readability, even for people with no prior knowledge of economics.
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Must read for everyone of all ages and backgrounds.

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Peregrine D.

Its for the libertarians out there. The matter of fact tone and common sense attitude taken to many of the issues is refreshing. The message of Government Bad, Private Enterprise good got a little tedious as he heroically identifies unintended consequence after unintended consequence of various political decisions. Also seems to smuggle in a few personal ethical/ political views as if they were self evident purely on microeconomic grounds. But by and large, if you want a variety of examples to reinforce microeconomic concepts, particularly the notion that people will seek rewards and avoid costs to them, and demand more of something that is less expensive and vice versa , then this is a good book for you. Prices And Choices by D Hemnenway also worth a look.

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