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American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History

Narrated by:
John Pruden

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 3, 2012
10 hours 19 minutes

From 1999 to 2009, U.S. Navy Seal Chris Kyle recorded the most career sniper kills in United States military history. His fellow American warriors, whom he protected with deadly precision from rooftops and stealth positions during the Iraq War, called him “The Legend”; meanwhile, the enemy feared him so much they named him al-Shaitan (“the devil”) and placed a bounty on his head. Kyle, who was tragically killed in 2013, writes honestly about the pain of war—including the deaths of two close SEAL teammates—and in moving first-person passages throughout, his wife, Taya, speaks openly about the strains of war on their family, as well as on Chris. Gripping and unforgettable, Kyle’s masterful account of his extraordinary battlefield experiences ranks as one of the great war memoirs of all time.
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Andrew F.

I read books like this for one reason; perspective. I've never been to war or served my country in that regard. I lack the perspective of the brave warriors who risk their lives for our country. Chris Kyle's story is priceless, forcing us all to take a closer look at the freedom we so often take for granted. Evil is out there, it pulls at the fabric of our country, and if we are not careful, it will devour us. We are so blessed to have the brave and the strong who stand in the gap on our behalf. My prayers go out for Chris, his family, his brothers in arms, and the service men and women who fought (and still fight) to keep us safe. God bless you all!

I'm inspired by this man and his strength of integrity and character

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Michael D

Narrator did not sound authentic and his cadence was too slow. Listen at 1.25 speed did helped.

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phillip baker

Great story Great narrator loved it and couldn't put my phone and headphones down.

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Harry H

Great Book! Cleared up some discrepancies from the movie

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Elizabeth F

Great story!! I couldn't stop listening. My oldest son wants to hear it next.

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Joseph Fahry

Chris Kyle defines what it means to be a hero and how every American should feel about this nation.

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Paul Woodhams

I really enjoyed this book. Mostly fast paced and interesting. Just a few little long drawn out patches. Overall very good. What a man. What a story!

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Corey Fidler

Great story of an American hero, his passing was such a tragedy.

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Jared Langer

Love this book! Every American needs to know this man's story.

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Rupert Coutts

Really good did not realise what they go through ++++

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travis belflower

Amazing story! A true American story of a man with true grit! He was a great man, one America will truly miss.

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Michelle Porter

One of the best books I've read in a long time. I felt as though I was there they did such a great job at describing the different scenes.

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Elizabeth Farmer

Great book and perfect narrator you should read this book

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Paul Reynolds

Awesome book. Love the first hand experience of our fighters. War is no joke and neither is PTSD. This book and the movie shows a lot and one needs to read between the line. Show you support and know that they all fight new demons. Book was great.

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Nick Cappelletti

Kinda slow... Don't really care about every single kill. Get off the modesty wagon bud

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Nicolle Churi

I was interested in what went on, and was keen to hear it from an 'apparent' hero's account.. I have listened to about 45 mins hoping it would get better but I was shocked to hear his account of the war and realised how mysoginistic, insane and completely narcissistic this horrible man was. He used words like 'evil' when referring to the 'enemy' and stating that anyone that hurts 'his' country deserves to die.. I wish I could get my money back I hated this book, and worst of all I can't believe that someone can justify killing 160 middle eastern people because they were an apparent threat to his country. Disgusting. This book should be taken off audiobooks because who would want to listen to this crap?

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Mariusz Turczuk

Great military book. First hand account of a true warrior.

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Aaron Cothren

Shows the price American pay for our freedom. This book is about our real heroes not the bullshit that we put first. Chris Kyle is a man all that needs to be said. Great book

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Megan Brown

Chris is an American Hero. Be caused of him men and women made it home. This world is a little bit darker with out him

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Tanya Morris

wonderfully written and read with great attitude and conviction.

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Melissa Whitefoot

This was a great book. I had to read it before I watched the movie. The narration was good.

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Teodora Ghita

Amarican murderer!. Can not believe I read comments as "od bless all our service men and women and their families whom sit patiently by as they deploy and serve our country". Do they mean God bless people who kill other people?

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Brian Wills

I loved the movie and the books was pretty good, too. I know people say it's OK to cuss because it makes things more realistic, but it's distracting to me. Is like my kids to listen, but there are so many profanities! With that said, I love how Chris Kyle was so up front about his Christianity. Wow, what a Patriot, but ultimately it was too big a sacrifice for his family. Only by the grace of God did his wife out up with his repeated military tours. The book does a great job describing his PTSD problems and will provide hope to the many people afflicted with it. I recommend the book and, especially, the movie (neither are appropriate for children).

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Chris Regan

Absolutely riveting! An amazing story of an amazing man and all his fellow comrades. God bless all our service men and women and their families whom sit patiently by as they deploy and serve our country, so that America can be the free country that it is!

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Ingrid Pruitt

I haven't seen the movie yet but I have to say...Chris was quite the man. Book was hard not to stop listening. Great detail. Someti

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Randall Holloway

This is an amazing story of an incredibly dedicated individual. Patriot! None of us that weren't there have no idea what our young men were going thru. I left the ladies out as they didn't appear to be in combat roles at that time. The two gentlemen who were very critical of this account were way off base in my opinion.

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Janssel Abella

Honestly, this book was a bit boring and painfully corny, it was moderately interesting in the beginning but devolved quickly. No Easy Day or some of the other SEAL autobiographies are a little better.

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Robert Mason

This book is just okay.... Maybe I had unreal expectations because those around me saw the movie and was bragging about how great it was. Since reading the book I saw the movie and the movie was worse than the book.

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AMAZING!!!!!! This is the best book I have ever read/heard in my life!!! Simply Amazing!!

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Jay Deyo

Quite an amazing story. I couldn't stop listening to it.

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Cleet blasingame

As a ex soldier it brought back good and bad war moments in Iraq

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Glen doyle

This book was a great review of the great Chris Kyle. Narrator made him sound egotistical at times but still did a great job and this book is a must read for military, hunters, shooters and future seal prospects. Thank Chris for the details and thanks for your service. RIP

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Ashley dery

I wish I would've watched the movie before listening to this book because I was expecting so much more. The book is way better than the movie.

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Brian Elliott

pretty freakin pissed off that this book is still touted as the gospel, yet its been proven, in a court of LAW even, that this creep was pretty much a straight up liar. its not in me to talk poorly of the departed, but I'm of the opinion that calling a book non fiction, and proceeding to fill it full of made up glory, well that's no better than plagiarism. rather than award Mr. Ventura a monetary settlement, that he did not seek, the jury should behave ordered this fictional work either reclassified, or yanked off the shelves permanently along with national and international acknowledgements of the hogwash nature of this book. sucks for the publisher. but they provided the media for this dirtbags trash. my heart goes out to the wife and children of Mr. Cole, as they are innocents. Further, I certainly don't believe hype and hogwash are violations worthy of death, but I am pained. I invested a valuable credit into this book, was entertained but feel rather dooped a year later. and to think I was championing this guy after I'd finished. I must back off a bit, as this guy did serve freely for the worlds greatest armed force and did so bravely, and honorable. sad that pumping up a book tarnishes this guy

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Tim Bolduc

I really enjoyed this book, it was very well written. Chris was a real patriot.

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Stefanyk Tony

I knew this book was not for me when the author describes shooting a woman who has a grenade, and calls her a savage. The lack of understanding of another countries religion and the over the top typical arrogance was too much for me. I doubt many people outside the USA would enjoy listening or reading this.

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Bill B.

Great American!

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Watched the movie. The book as usual is much better. 5 stars!

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fantastic book to listen to. I saw the movie multiple times and it was nice to contrast what I remember watching vs what I heard in this book. definitely happy with the purchase

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Awesome book. I’ve watched the movie several times, and both were phenomenal! Bravo Zulu!

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Glenice N.

I think that this man loved his country and was willing to give his life to protect it. There are not many like him any more. Now the young people burn the flag rather than salute it. For this reason this story was inspiring. May this man rest in peace

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Great Book I love it!

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Luke S.

Listen to the audio book as I thought the film was great! This books even better.

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Jacob B.

one of my favorite real life American war stories.

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Very inspiring story

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Travis H.

not sure if he was a bad ass or lucky as hell ... but a must read

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Elizabeth S.

This was hands-down one of the greatest books I have ever listened to. When he spoke of his duty to country and how important it was to him, I literally got goosebumps. So inspiring to know everything he went through, because he was willing to do anything and everything to protect his country. Anyone who decided to leave a bad review simply because they disagreed with his actions during his military service, how about you try doing everything he did :)

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Keith B.


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brian m

I saw the movie but listening to the audio book was much more rewarding for me. The patriotism and dedication he showed for his great country is extremely admirable and makes me personally proud to be an American

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Penny Sauer

I thought it would be interesting to learn what goes on in the service and what really happens during deployment Instead I sadly found it boring and after three quarters of the book, I skipped to the ending and was disappointed with that as well. I was glad when I was finally done with the book.

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Markie Blackburn

Looking at my rating you might think that I didn't really enjoy the book, but this isn't exactly right. I, unfortunately, saw the movie first and that kinda ruins things. I know that things were dramatized because it's a movie, but the book wasn't what I was expecting. I love that it is his true account, and I love even more how honest he is throughout the book. My only issue was that as a nonmilitary member, I felt that there were portions that I couldn't follow. As far as his experiences and the dedications he made, there are no words to express how thankful I am for his service.

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