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The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts

Written by:
Gary Chapman
Narrated by:
Gary Chapman

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
February 20, 2005
4 hours 47 minutes
Simple ideas, lasting love.

Between busy schedules and long days, expressing love can fall by the wayside. We forget to compliment, to give gifts “just because,” to linger in an embrace. The things that say “I love you” seem to either not get said or not get through. This is an audio book about saying it — and hearing it — clearly. No gimmicks. No psychoanalyzing. Just learing to express love in your spouse’s language.

With over 10 million copies sold, The 5 Love Languages® has transformed countless relationships. Its ideas are simple and conveyed with clarity and humor, making this audio book as practical as it is personable. You’ll be inspired by real-life stories and encouraged by its commonsense approach. Listening to this audio feels like taking a walk with a wise friend. Applying it will forever change your relationship — starting today.

Includes The 5 Love Languages Personal Profile
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Justin A.

What an excellent book on love, marriage, and relationships. Absolutely essential for married couples, and dare I say parents as well. I honestly believe that if more couples tried what is written & recommended in the book, that it would have a significant, positive affect on the rate of divorce. The subject material is simple to understand, built on decades of research, and validated by many real life examples. This 'book' is easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to put into practice right away, with near minimal effort. The audio version is fantastic. I highly recommend. The author has a buttery smooth southern drawl, which is very pleasing to listen to. The 'chapters' are short and easy to listen to as time allows. Additionally, having the author narrate means that special emphasis is placed on what the author feels as important. There is also a Q&A interview as an introduction, which provides a really interesting "look back"on the book, several years after being written. It offers more insight into the research, case-examples, and so on. In short - I highly recommend. Great material, great audio. Definitely worth purchasing.

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Lydya O

Revealing and informative

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Eric S.

Life changing

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Salvador Alvizar

This book is amazing. Praise God. 1 Corinthians 16:14

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Thanks great thanks

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Luis C.

Definitely changed my Marriage for the better... finally the lights have been switched on.

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vinisha hathiramani

Loved it. Really broadened my understanding on love and relationships.

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Best book I’ve read since highschool. I hope to get to put it into practice. My wife currently wants a divorce

Love the messages I got from this book! I have read it twice in a few months already, to remind me of a few things when times were tough in our relationship. Now I just need to get my husband to read it…. Easier said than don huh! Ok I’m not religious, so this was a little Gody in parts for me. However if you can listen over that and receive to point you’ll gain a lot. Going to read the kids and teens books next, see if they can work wonders with my boys.

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Dale D.

Bring me and my wife closer together

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Erik M.

great book

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Jeremy T.

Sheer perfection!!! Helped me understand a lot about myself and how to love a potential partner.

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Richard D

mind blowing.

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Cassadee M

Great book for marriage and relationships in general!

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Krista Davis

Excellent book! Insightful and easy to follow the concepts! Reading or listening to the book is just the first step, the real work is putting it to action. Nothing will change if there is no behavioral change!

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sowbarnika sachithanantham

Great book and a great narration. It was very revealing for me to know how every one have their own love language. The book takes us through every love language with various good examples and dr. Chapman also gives us very useful ideas. I think this book is good even for someone who is not married yet.

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Nelly Navarro-Britt

This book has good advice. My favorite marriage book is still The Proper Care & Feeding of Marriage. The only thing that bothered me about the narration was the southern accent.

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This is my first time reading a book by Gary Chapman. It was so good. I decided to buy a hard copy for a friend of mine getting married. And I also bought another hardcopy and gave it to my husband. So obviously, I recommend it! ;)

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Tiffany C.

Everyone says you should read it… THEY WERE RIGHT!! It was such an amazing book. I learned so much for not only my husband of 15 years, but also my friends and family and they way I could be more Intentional about speaking love into them!

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Superb book Thank you so much

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Exceptional book

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Book W.

Most things made sense now and how people view and value others in their life. It feels like the basic of the languages can be applied practically to anyone and how to influence them to like you (or you - them)

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Michael W.

Staticky hard to hear no good

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I’ve read and listened to this book multiple times and it is always refreshing to hear and motivates me to be a better spouse and to make sure I’m reaching my husband in the way he needs and in he does the same for me. Great practical truths and applications.

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Mohamed J.

I loved every minute.

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Shannon B.

This was a great book. It gets annoyingly religious towards the end and it’s completely heteronormative, romantic relationship oriented. That said, considering the dialogue of each love language was extremely eye opening and has made a positive impact on my life.

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absolutely love this book it is helping me see love differently and more understanding

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Great book

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Samantha Baltierra

I loved this read! I've been recommending it to my family and friends.

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Carol D.

Excellent source for love, courtship and marriage talks

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Karen M.

amazing, I will be gifting this to every couple I know!

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Betty O.

What a great book!! Will recommend this to clients! As a clinical Therapist, it is great to have tools that will benefit my clients; as well as me.

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Prit S.

A great listen, learned lots!

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Ivana C.

great! I will try to apply it

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The God be the glory. it's a powerful material for family young, old ect.

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This book has really clarified the issues I faced in my past relationships. I feel like I can now be a much better, more caring and loving partner in the future as well as receive love in way that makes me feel most secure.

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Brandon J.

Good book. Easy to understand and principals are practical

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I had heard many stories about this book. “It changed my marriage” and “it changed all of my relationships.” I was very very skeptical, especially being forced to read this. But I give this book a 100/10. They’re simple concepts but its one that you must surprisingly be taught. It helped my relationship and prevented my parents from divorce.

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Ana amazing read,insightful and thought provoking

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Kayla Prowell

I really learned a lot from this book, it not only helped me understand the way my husband loves but also my children. I couldn't understand why some of my kids felt loved and others didn't. Great read!

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Taylor R.

I love this book! It helped my marriage so much!

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Sterling LAMP

Amazing. Wow. We could listen to this about once every year. maybe two. Such as eye opener! finally seeing those puzzle pieces all make sense! ugh! I just loved every single second! my husband and I both did. We both agree that every single couple in pursuit of marriage should 2000% read this together before doing so. would have made so much of a difference on our 1st year as a married couple if we had. It's never too late! READ THIS BOOK.

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Alex R.

Amazing book, changed the way I look at my marriage

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Zelda Breet

Amazing Book... Learned so much...

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Carol T.

Thank you very much. Such simple concepts to bring blessing to those around us and to ourselves.

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Deon C.

I am truly grateful to GOD for such a blessing of a book.

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Lawrence B.

Very simple read with great insightful information. Very action oriented and helpful in day to day.

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David H.

Waste of your time. Ancient values that are not at all representative of the times we now live in.

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Mitchel C

Great book! Let's see if it will work!

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marc v

Great book. It totally put things into a perspective that I haven't thought of

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Colleen Ables

Very enlightening!

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Lekita Stevenson

An awesome book! This book has truly opened my eyes and allowed me to see beyond self, and truly focus on my spouses emotional needs.

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David Johnson

Nice message. Don't doubt the advice. Predictable so could be shorter.

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Norman Nuton

This book was very practical and encouraging for marriages at any stage. Dr. Chapman hit a homerun with this book!

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Jamie Baker

Great book! Dr. Chapman is an expert at simplifying the complexities of marriage and helping to ease the anxiety of what is certainly an overwhelming situation for many.

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Jill Sollin-Strauss

Learned so much and it just make sense. Every couple should read this together. Great way to turn up the love meter.

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Donna Pilkington

This was a very well-written book. The concepts are easy to understand and the author provides great practical advice and tips. The narration was entertaining and nice to listen to.

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Amands Smith

Love this book! Great for all married couples to read or listen too. The online quiz is very helpful as well.

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It would be an informing, single article. Read the summary, you would not miss much. Good information.

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Great book

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Scott C.

just want to listen to it over and over

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Glynn H.

It was a great book - both need to read it

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Was a great book and extremely helpful. Everyone should have to read this before getting married.

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Kotie L.

Excellent book! Definitely worth the listen/read!

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Courtney Lopes

really a good book for you and your partner to listen to together. I feel like it helps to highlight each other's needs in order to feel loved in your relationship.

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Gary F.

Excellent Read!

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Kaila Johnson

Absolutely loved this book. Gave great insight on futures within our relationships! Very informative! Will definitely be using this information everyday!!!

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